May 27–June 1, 2025 | Washington, D.C.

Gather with fellow student writers for a week of training, coaching, and learning.


Veritas Institute is a week-long formation experience for students interested in being public Christian voices after college. It trains students to communicate the plausibility of religious faith in the modern world and familiarizes them with relevant professional pathways. Accepted students attend for free.

The topic we will be exploring this year isThe Human Person in a (Post-) Secular Age. We hope you will join us.

2022 Veritas Institute

What To Expect

The 2025 Veritas Institute will take place at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., from Tuesday, May 27th to Sunday, June 1st, 2025.

This year's topic is “The Human Person in a (Post-) Secular Age." Scholars, journalists, and other Christian leaders will explore with you the craft of writing and discuss how Christianity interacts with questions about human nature.

Why You Should Attend

The Veritas Institute includes opportunities to:

Meet, think, discuss, write, edit, pray, and explore Washington, D.C. with fellow students from across the country

Learn from top scholars about the plausibility of religious faith in the modern world

Receive direct coaching from top notch writers and editors on public thinking and writing

Hear from successful professionals about career pathways for being a Christian public voice after college

A Duke '23: "Veritas Institute helped me take time out of a busy summer to think about the big questions of life. In particular, it gave me the space to think about virtue, human flourishing, and intellectual humility. Learning from top scholars and journalists was truly a privilege. I feel better equipped to communicate effectively about science and virtue from a Christian perspective."

A Williams '23: "I am a better writer today because of The Veritas Institute, which connected me with a professional editor who gave me personal feedback that sharpened my writing and challenged my ideas."

A Yale ‘21: “Honestly, I think the institute was pretty life-changing in the sense that it has been the culmination of a long process of thinking about writing and the role that it has in my life. I came to the decision that reading widely and writing for the public audience is genuinely a thing that I want to make a part of my lifestyle moving forward, even if I'm unable to do it full time.”

Skills Training

Students are put into writing cohorts with other student attendees to receive coaching throughout the week and form friendships with their peers in cohorts. Students meet with a top professionals to learn about crafts involved in public writing and thinking and journey through the week together.

Countdown to the Institute


Speakers + Coaches


Over the course of six days, our session speakers will explore and discuss how Christianity interacts with questions about human nature. Past speakers include Ross Andersen, Lydia Dugdale, Jennifer Herdt, L.M. Sacasas, Praveen Sethupathy, Roz Picard, Zena Hitz, Karin Öberg, Christine Emba, Miroslav Volf, Christian Miller, Tyler VanderWeele, and more!

View Bio

Lori Branch

University of Iowa

View Bio

Satyan Devadoss

University of San Diego

View Bio

Tom Holland


View Bio

Molly Worthen

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

View Bio

More To Be Announced

Coming Soon

Writing Coaches

Writers and editors from well-known publications will lead our writing cohorts, share their expertise, and provide direct feedback to attendees. Past writing coaches include Caitrin Keiper, Samuel Matlack, B.D. McClay, Leah Libresco Sargeant, and Mene Ukueberuwa.

View Bio

To Be Announced

Coming Soon

Veritas Institute Schedule

We look forward to a meaningful week together as we explore the topic, "“The Human Person in a (Post-) Secular Age.”" Please note that this is ONLY A REPRESENTATIVE SCHEDULE and details will change before the week begins.

May 27TH
3:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Arrival and Check-In
5:30 p.m.
Dinner + Introductions
7:00 p.m.
Opening Session
8:30 p.m.
Writing Cohort: "Getting to Know You"
May 28TH
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Core Content Seminar One
11:30 a.m.
Break + Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Writing Seminar One
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Writing Cohort Meeting (Led by Writing Coaches)
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Guest Discussion
May 29TH
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Core Content Seminar Two
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Writing Seminar Two
12:30 a.m.
Break + Lunch
2:00 p.m.
Free Time
5:00 p.m.
Dinner Offsite
May 30TH
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Core Content Seminar Three
10:30 a.m.
Break and Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Writing Seminar Three
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Writing Cohort Meeting (Led by Writing Coaches)
4:30 p.m.
Break and Optional Prayers
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Guest Discussion
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Core Content Seminar Four
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Writing Seminar Four
12:30 a.m.
Lunch and Break
3:30 p.m.
Field Trip: Monuments Tour
8:00 a.m.
Breakfast + Closing Session

Frequently Asked Questions

More information to come.

Veritas Institute FAQs

Basic Information

What Is Veritas Institute?

The Veritas Institute is a week-long formation experience for students interested in being public Christian voices after college. It trains students to communicate the plausibility of religious faith in the modern world and familiarizes them with relevant professional pathways. The Veritas Institute is run by the University Partnerships department at The Veritas Forum. During the Institute, students interact with Christian scholars and writers, share experiences with peers from other campuses, and experience a time of learning, training, and encouragement

Why should I apply for Veritas Institute?

To meet, think, discuss, write, edit, and pray with fellow students from across the country? To hear from and interact with fantastic speakers? To receive direct coaching from top notch writers and editors on the crafts of public thinking and writing? To learn about professional pathways for being a public voice? To explore Washington, D.C.? Pick your reason! Whatever brings you to the Institute, we’re thrilled to have you apply.

What’s the schedule?

The final schedule is still to come, but you can see a representative schedule above. It will conclude the morning of Sunday, June 1st. The week will consist of a mix of content sessions, workshops and seminars, office hours, free write time, and field trips. 

Speakers and coaches include Lori Branch, Satyan Devadoss, Molly Worthen, and Tom Holland, with more to be announced. The theme is “The Human Person in a (Post-) Secular Age.”

Where is the Institute being held?

The Catholic University of America (CUA) will host this year’s Institute (as a location; the University is not otherwise engaged in sponsoring the program). The University is just a short metro ride from many of D.C.’s main attractions. 

CUA is located at 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, D.C. 20064.

What will it cost to attend the Institute?

This is no fee to attend, and all meals provided on site are free. Lodging at CUA (in a dorm building) is also covered. The cost to you of your travel will depend upon the following:

- If accepted students submit a reimbursement form before the travel receipts deadline (to be announced), they will receive 100% reimbursement for the cost of their primary method of travel. Travel reimbursements can be submitted at a link to be provided.

- If you do not submit your reimbursements by the travel receipt deadline, then you will be responsible for the full cost of your own travel.

Meals en route or any meals, snacks, coffee, etc not provided as part of the official schedule will not be covered.

Any souvenirs or other incidental costs you incur in D.C. will not be covered.

Please note the following transportation costs will also not be covered: 

  • - Ground transportation from your summer location to an airport, train station, or bus station
  • - Ground transportation from a D.C. airport, train station, or bus station to CUA
  • - Ground transportation from CUA to a D.C. airport, train station, or bus station 
  • - Ground transportation from an airport, train station, or bus station to your summer location

If you are flying or taking a train or bus into D.C., please plan accordingly. The metro (subway) in D.C. will be much cheaper than a taxi/Uber/Lyft. CUA is very close to the Brookland-CUA metro stop on D.C.’s red line.

What important dates should I be aware of?
  • -Friday, December 20th, 2024: Application Opens
  • -Monday, March 31st, 2025 11:59 pm EST: Application Closes
  • -Sunday, April 6th, 2025 11:59 pm EST: Travel Receipts for Student Purchased Travel Due
  • -Thursday, April 10th, 2025 11:59 pm EST: Final Admissions off Waitlist Issued
  • -Tuesday, May 27th, 20245 Conference Begins
How can I apply for the Institute?

You can apply for the Institute by clicking on this link.

The application deadline is Monday, March 31st at 11:59 pm ET (email to inquire about submitting a late application). at 11:59 pm ET (email to inquire about submitting a late application).

Can I arrive late or leave early?

Our general expectation is that student attendees stay for the entire duration of the week. If you have any concerns about staying for the whole week, please do let us know at and we can discuss it with you further.

Can I cancel after applying?

If you have been accepted to the program, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your spot. At that point, you can withdraw your application if you are not able to confirm your attendance. However, if you do confirm your spot, we consider it a firm commitment that you will attend and we would strongly ask that you not cancel after that time unless for a genuine emergency.

Please note that if you do cancel for any non-emergency reasons after purchasing your travel, we will not reimburse you for any travel you purchased and we will ask you to return any money received for your travel reimbursement. Of course, if a true emergency arises, such as a medical or family situation, you should cancel and we will still reimburse your travel. Please email us at if this situation applies to you.

Travel Logistics and Cost

How will I be getting to the Institute?

In general, we would like attending students to prioritize travel options in the following order:

  1. 1. Driving personal cars (we will reimburse gas and parking costs by receipt)
  2. 2. Bus (unless timing isn’t feasible given Institute events)
  3. 3. Rental Cars (unless a train is less expensive)
  4. 4. Train (unless a plane are less expensive)
  5. 5. Plane (reserved for students that are too far for other forms of transport)

We are asking students to book the most affordable option available to them, but this will be on “the honor system”—we do not need to confirm the option before you purchase any tickets.

If you need to come to the conference from a location outside the U.S. or there is some other reason you expect your travel to be especially expensive, please contact us at in order to confirm that this is possible.

How much will my travel cost?

- If accepted students submit a reimbursement form before the travel receipts deadline (Sunday, April 6th, 2024) then you will receive 100% reimbursement for the cost of your primary method of travel. Travel reimbursements can be submitted here.

- If you do not submit your reimbursements by the travel receipt deadline, then you will be responsible for the full cost of your own travel

Please note the following transportation costs will not be covered:

  • - Ground transportation from your summer location to an airport, train station, or bus station
  • - Ground transportation from a D.C. airport, train station, or bus station to CUA
  • - Ground transportation from CUA to a D.C. airport, train station, or bus station 
  • - Ground transportation from an airport, train station, or bus station to your summer location

If you are flying or taking a train or bus into the D.C. airport, please plan accordingly. The metro (subway) in D.C. will be much cheaper than a taxi/Uber/Lyft. CUA is very close to the Brookland-CUA metro stop on D.C.’s red line. 

How will my travel be purchased?

We ask each student to purchase their own travel, and then submit a reimbursement before the travel receipts deadline If you are unable to front the cost of your travel, please let us know and we can purchase it for you.

Location, Lodging, and Meals

Where is the Institute being held?

The Catholic University of America (CUA) will host this year’s Institute (as a location; the University is not otherwise engaged in sponsoring the program). The University is just a short metro ride from many of D.C.’s main attractions. 

Campus location: 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064

What will I have access to at CUA?

At CUA, you will have access to the classroom spaces we will be using and your dorm room. In addition, you will have guest access to the dining hall, the library, and a modest gym space. 

How does lodging work?

Lodging will be in Opus Hall at CUA. Students will be placed in a four-bedroom suite, with each student getting his or her own bedroom. Each suite has a bathroom and a living room. A linen set (two sheets, two towels, pillow, and pillowcase) will be provided but if you would like additional bedding you can bring your own. The rooms will have WiFi access and an air conditioner unit. Free laundry machines are available on the lobby level (first floor). 

If you have any questions about the lodging, feel free to be in touch.

Is there a dress code? What should I bring?

For most of the week the dress code is dressy casual. You should also bring your own toiletries (toothpaste, shower soap or body wash, hand soap, shampoo, etc). You may also wish to bring a water bottle, a notebook, and other items you’d want for a week-long program of this kind. We will make at least one more casual trip off site, so make sure to bring some clothes for walking around as well. You will want to bring one business outfit as well.

I have a special medical or dietary circumstance. Can you accommodate that?

Yes. The application for the Institute asked for this information, but if you did not provide it at that time please let us know at

Will there be any health regulations at the event?

We do not currently expect any such regulations.


What's the schedule?

The final schedule is still to come, but you can see the representative schedule above. It will conclude on the morning of Sunday, June 1st. The week will consist of a mix of content sessions, writing workshops and seminars, office hours, free write time, and field trips. 

Speakers and coaches include Lori Branch, Satyan Devadoss, Molly Worthen, and Tom Holland, with more to be announced. The theme is “The Human Person in a (Post-)Secular Age.”

How does the writing portion of the event work? What are the writing deadlines?

Information to come!

How can I prepare for the Institute?

Any necessary preparation, pre-work, and pre-reads will be announced to attending students.

Other Questions

What should I do if I have further questions?

With any questions, please email the Augustine Collective team at

Apply for Veritas Institute

Space is limited for this week-long training, so we encourage you to apply early.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Application Deadline: March 31st (email to inquire about submitting a late application)